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Workshops, Sessions & Conferences


DEC 3, 2024

Advancing Sustainability in Tourism: An Experiential Workshop for Leaders and Managers

Pavilion Ballroom C

Description: Discover an experiential, hands-on workshop designed for tourism leaders, business owners, and managers seeking to advance sustainability in their operations. Led by GreenStep Solutions, this three-hour session introduces participants to essential concepts and benefits of integrating a sustainability strategy into their business. Key definitions and terminology related to sustainable and regenerative tourism will be shared, as well as a proven framework to help guide you towards the implementation of a plan for continuous improvement.

Through interactive discussions and real-life examples, attendees will explore how to apply the globally recognized GreenStep Sustainable Tourism criteria. They will conduct a baseline assessment of their current practices, identifying key areas for enhancement. The workshop encourages peer-to-peer learning while fostering collaboration on actionable strategies and solutions.

While completing an online sustainability assessment beforehand is recommended, it's not mandatory. This tool equips participants with valuable insights to refine their sustainability plans during the workshop. By the end, participants will leave with a clear understanding of sustainable tourism principles and a practical roadmap to implement effective sustainability initiatives.

Delicious Storytelling 101

Pavilion Ballroom D

Join Gabrielle Mueller, Marketing Manager at the Culinary Tourism Alliance, for a 3-hour workshop on delicious food storytelling. In part one of this hands-on workshop, participants will learn the answers to burning questions like: Who is the food tourist? What do they want? How the heck do we capture their attention? You'll gain valuable tips and tricks to implement right away into your delicious food storytelling, whether done on social media, your menu or your website. Next, you'll work to create a written piece about your business throughout the workshop, which will give you the opportunity to get real-time feedback from the CTA team as well as other inspiring folks in the room. This inclusive workshop aims to create a safer space for anyone to flex their creative muscles and deliver a truly effective piece of drool-worthy content!

Introduction to Export READIness

Pavilion Ballroom A

Are you interested in extending your market reach beyond traditional clients to gain access to new and larger international tourism markets? This workshop will introduce you to the numerous benefits of working with Travel Trade. You will also learn how your business or region can access key international markets. While this is an intro session, once fully accredited, businesses will have the opportunity to be included on TIAC's national Tourism registry. The READI Stamp accreditation program, administered by the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC), signifies a commitment to excellence within the tourism sector.

Managing Environmental & Social Impacts with Visitor Use Management Framework

Pavilion Ballroom B

The Visitor Use Management Framework (VUMF) is an adaptable process for managing visitor use across public lands, protected areas and outdoor recreation destinations - this session will focus on recreational trails. This workshop concentrates on understanding the impacts of trail visitors on various values (e.g., environmental, community) and on the strategies to actively anticipate, prevent, mitigate and manage potential impacts to help ensure that trails and trail destinations provide a positive experience for both visitors and residents and that they are sustainable.

Flourishing in Tourism: Building Your Capacity to Flourish in the Future

Junior Ballroom C

What does a flourishing future look like for your organization? What could the Canadian tourism sector look like if we all focused on flourishing? Join Trevor Jonas Benson and Camilo Montoya-Guevara of Bannikin in exploring your inspiring vision and what you can do now to improve your chances of flourishing in the future. In this workshop, you will learn about a more efficient, effective, and integrated strategic planning process that takes seriously both desirable and probable futures. You will get hands-on experience with the Flourishing Business Canvas, gaining business model design and storytelling capacity as part of the process. Most important, you will take away valuable insight into the contexts and perspectives that you need to consider, and the questions you need to answer, in order to take full account of your organization and ensure that it is fit for the 21st Century.

Canada's National Forum on Disaster Readiness and Response

Pavilion CD

Join us at the National Forum and Town Hall on Disaster Readiness and Response, where key industry players unite to address the crucial challenges of disaster preparedness in the tourism sector. This event combines expert discussions and open dialogue to explore collaborative strategies for reducing the impact of natural disasters, pandemics, and other emergencies on Canada's tourism industry.

Gain valuable insights from leaders in crisis management, emergency services, and tourism resilience. Discover best practices and innovative solutions, and work together to create a practical plan that boosts our sector's readiness and response capabilities. This session is designed for industry leaders, crisis managers, emergency services professionals, and all stakeholders committed to enhancing the resilience of Canada's tourism sector.