Code of Conduct

Canada-China Inbound Tour Operator Registration Code of Conduct

  1. Operate at all times according to the highest business and ethical standards and respect all applicable laws and regulations in the region and province or territory in which they operate, including but not limited to tour operator/travel agent licensing requirements, insurance requirements, employment laws and conditions, and taxation.
  2. Only work with and receive tour groups from Approved Destination Status (ADS) approved travel agents in China that have been authorized by the MCT;
  3. Be registered with the Canada Revenue Agency and hold a current GST number (if gross revenue exceeds $30,000 per year).
  4. Submit proof of a comprehensive general public liability insurance policy with a minimum coverage of $1 million with a reputable insurance underwriting company.
  5. Submit criminal record checks and credit reports of the business’ owner and CEO/President.
  6. Ensure that the ADS approved travel agents in China and ADS leisure group travelers receive high quality tours, services, and fair pricing, and:
    1. Ensure the well-being and safety of all leisure group travelers during the tour;
    2. Provide leisure group travelers with accurate information about the products and services;
    3. Ensure that the tour is consistent with the approved itinerary and that any changes are approved by the group of tourists and/or their travel agent. The itinerary must state clearly any and all applicable charges, including services charges or tips expected to be paid by the leisure group travelers.
    4. Ensure that the full cost of operating the ADS tour is covered by the tour price.
    5. Ensure that the ADS leisure group has a qualified tour guide fluent in Mandarin Chinese. The tour guide must meet all statutory federal, provincial/territorial and municipal licensing and regulatory requirements and act in a professional manner at all times. The tour guide must follow the itinerary provided by the tour operator and is prohibited to receive commissions from any shopping destination.
    6. Ensure that all suppliers and contractors utilized for the tour are sufficiently licensed, maintain up-to-date registration and insurance and are in compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations relevant to their tour functions.
    7. Ensure that, while promoting Canadian goods and services to tour group, shopping opportunities presented shall be conducted without coercion at reputable shopping facilities, with quality products, and with the greatest care for visitor safety and well-being.
  7. Be fully responsible for all aspects of its business operations and performance, including any parts in which a sub-contractor or sub-agent is used, and is accountable for the actions of all its associates, including its officers, employees and those of any sub-contractors or sub-agents.
  8. Keep all tour related information and documents on record in case of any complaint investigation.