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 I consent  to TIAC's acknowledgment and promotion of my business/organization profile on social media. This includes, but isn't limited to, being listed in a "New Member" post on LinkedIn, as well as in TIAC Talk, TIAC's monthly newsletter.
Do you consent to receive email communications from us?: Includes News You Can use weekly newsletter, TIAC Talk monthly newsletter, webinar promotion (incl. Ask an Expert), and other event announcements and reminders. Your choices can be amended via your Member Profile page.)  Y    N
Do you give TIAC consent to publish your address in conference lists?: We will occasionally make public a list of those attendees of TIAC-organized industry conferences and events. By checking this box, you consent to our publishing your company/organization's name in these reports.  Y    N

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 General Communications  
 TIAC Talk  
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